Public Realm Strategy Ancoats, Manchester

Ancoats was the heart of Manchester’s Georgian cotton industry and the first industrial suburb in the world. Following decades of decline, a plan was produced to kick start regeneration, with the key recommendation being to invest in the public realm. A Camlins led team was appointed to produce the Ancoats Public Realm Strategy – an uninhibited enquiry to determine the future purpose and character of all of the open spaces. Public space in Ancoats consisted of a rigorous grid of streets and alleys, bounded by main roads and the Rochdale Canal. No space was provided for recreational use. The character of these streets can therefore be described as a densely packed and homogeneous work/live environment. The regeneration of the area as a mixed residential and commercial district required the streets to be reinvented as a contemporary pedestrian friendly environment whilst responding to the unusually rich architectural heritage.


New East Manchester


2001 - 2003


Civic Engineers / Simon Fenton Partnership, quantity surveyor