One Bayshill Road, Cheltenham

One Bayshill Road is located in the Montpellier district of Cheltenham. It replaces a 1970s office building, but retains the two listed Regency villas which form the frontage. The architecture and landscape design is a close collaboration that has produced a contemporary piece, but is also very much concerned with maintaining the character of the Conservation Area. The first priority was to restore the boundary with the reintroduction of traditional iron railings and a beech hedge. The vehicle entrance is a formal garden dominated by the grand portico, with a low evergreen hedge fronting seasonal planting. The most intriguing aspect of this design was the rethinking of the relationship of the two villas and the street, to create a new central entrance. New tree planting will contribute to the next generation to follow the great number of large existing mature street trees.




2013 - 2017


Glenn Howells Architects / HRW, engineer / Barton Willmore, planner