Minthis Village, Cyprus

Minthis Hills is a leisure resort and exclusive residential estate high in the mountains above Paphos, Cyprus. The resort has been developed over a number of years and includes a golf course, tennis courts, nature trails and clusters of residential villas. Working closely with the Woods Bagot team, Camlins were commissioned to produce landscape proposals for several phases. These encompass a new spa, residential villas for different phases and a commercial village that included restaurant, and F&B areas. The approach to landscape design here is dominated by the stunning long distance views, the delicate limestone based ecology and a particular local climate at this altitude of + 560m. The buildings are set sensitively into the natural rocky landscape with minimal environmental impact. Imaginative design around changes of level and naturalistic planting has helped integrate the development into the steep topography.




2017 - 2018


Woods Bagot, architects