London 2012 Olympics Legacy Masterplan Framework

Camlins involvement in the Lea Valley started with joining the Allies and Morrison team for the London 2012 Olympic Legacy Masterplan Framework. This fixed key elements of the site, including roads and parklands, and created opportunities for further ideas to come forward to regenerate this part of the Lea Valley. Before the games, it had long been recognised that there was a need to address the environmental degradation, contamination and deprivation apparent in east London, particularly in the Lower Lea Valley. A number of initiatives were introduced to open up economic development opportunities for regeneration. However, while these succeeded in raising the profile of the area, they lacked the critical factor of unlocking investment and stimulating development. The London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games and their legacy provided the most powerful catalyst for change.

“Camlins, and in particular, Robert Camlin himself, contributed significantly to the development of the Olympic Legacy Masterplan. Their work was consistently impressive”

Eleanor Fawcett, Head of Design for Legacy, London Development Authority

London Legacy Development Corporation


2008 to 2009


Allies and Morrison, architect / KCAP & AECOM, masterplanning