Chapelwood, Wilmslow

The site is a landmark on the south side of Wilmslow town centre. It was occupied historically by a large house and gardens, so is surrounded by mature trees typical of the area. The scheme provides 57 open plan retirement apartments with a range of communal facilities. The new buildings are a contemporary interpretation of local Victorian red brick villas, planned around an impressive copper beach and surrounding lawn on the south side.

The gardens around the villas are semi-formal, with stone paving, clipped hedges and mixed borders. This merges into the woodland shade gardens under the enclosing trees, with ferns, bulbs and self seeded herbs. Ground floor apartments have the advantage of private terraces, opening into the wider communal spaces. The boundary treatments reinforce the character of suburban Wilmslow, with low brick walls and holly hedges.




2014 - 2018


Gleeds, lead consultant / Glenn Howells Architects / Hydrock, engineer / HOW Planning