Adamstown Station Dublin

Camlins collaborated with Allies and Morrison to produce a masterplan for the centre of Adamstown, a new town west of Dublin. The proposal establishes an adaptable framework for this urban centre, finding the right balance of public spaces, architectural massing, building uses, active frontage, communal gardens and hard/soft landscape to produce a suitably dense and busy neighbourhood. The landscape design maximises urban greening, includes SUDS and takes in the active travel routes linking the centre and railway station with three public parks and residential hinterland.

Adamstown Square is a truly multifunctional space, designed to accommodate a market, a concert, a fair or an ice rink. The range of buildings around the space will make a place that is busy at different times of the day / week / year. These include a large food store, small shop units, F&B, a pub, healthcare, office space, apartments and a cultural use, yet to be determined.




2018 - 2020


Allies and Morrison, architect / Atkins, transportation / CSC, structures, drainage / Stephen Little & Associates, planner