Whitechapel Road Life Science Cluster Masterplan

Camlins has been working with the NHS PS team since December 2020 on a masterplan and planning application, which was submitted in November 2021 and is now being determined by LB Tower Hamlets. This transformative project creates a 21st century life science adaptable cluster around Royal London Hospital, with circa 90,000 sqm of new accommodation, alongside cultural uses, shops, public thoroughfares and a large green space. The success of the development is underpinned by an inclusive public realm, connecting with the complex array of existing communities, businesses and institutions. The streetscape character is based firmly on the historic fabric but also recognises the hugely diverse range of people and activity that populate this characterful part of the East End. Furthermore, it facilitates the propose life sciences activity and responds to pressing contemporary concerns around public safety, urban greening, Healthy Streets and response to climate change.

CGI’s by Millerhare




2020 - Ongoing


Allies and Morrison, Gibson Thornley, architects / Publica, public realm / Tom Stuart-Smith, horticulture / M3, development manager / Sweco, transportation / Arup, engineer