Hope Street, Liverpool

Hope Street has iconic status as the processional route between the Catholic Metropolitan Cathedral and the Anglican Cathedral, on the ridge above the city centre. It is a potent symbol of the harmony and tolerance traditionally enjoyed by religious, racial and cultural groups in the city. Furthermore, the Hope Street Quarter is host to a great concentration of cultural and educational establishments, complemented by a fascinating mix of uses including bars, restaurants, offices and town houses. The area is predominantly Georgian architecture with many listed buildings. The scheme reordered the architecture of the street into two straight alignments with a narrowed carriageway and parallel kerbs. This introduced a dignity and clarity of composition from end to end. The project became a CABE exemplar.

“The renewal of Hope Street in Liverpool shows how well designed streets can become part of a city’s cultural offering.”

CABE Space

Liverpool Vision / Liverpool City Council


2003 to 2007


Mouchel Parkman / 2020 Liverpool, lead consultant, engineer, lighting design, contract administrator